I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the world’s best companies. As with all important things in life, it’s the people and experiences that have stayed with me. Here, I share a few precious memories and what I learned in the jobs I held before writing The Spare Room.


Many years after earning my undergraduate degree in Science and my MBA in Finance, I was gifted with the opportunity to attend two executive programs. In 2016, I attended the ”Leading Change and Organizational Renewal” executive program at Harvard. The content, case studies, and most importantly, follow attendees made for a rich and valuable experience. The course provided fantastic grounding and thought provocation for the massive transformation we were driving at IHG in Greater China!

Later in 2017-18, my boss supported me to attend a fantastic course at INSEAD called, “Leadership Excellence through Awareness & Practice”, or LEAP. This nine-month course for C-level executives is designed for senior executives who are operating at or near the top of their organizations and enables participants to better understand our leadership style, its origins, and impacts on self and others. I shared some of my aha moments on LinkedIn; you can search #emilychang@INSEAD to read on.


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