Last week, I got to share my thoughts with hundreds of people invested in growing others and themselves at the APAC International Coaching Conference. Alongside an impressive roster of speakers including Alan Mulally, Veronica Brejan, and many others, I shared my own thoughts on how defining who we are and our social legacy helps us become more effective and intentional.

It all starts with WHO we are.

If we aren’t clear on who we are yet, we ought to take a step in that direction by stating a desired goal because then, we start to become who we say we want to be. In the yellow bubble below, I shared our leadership vision at McCann Worldgroup in China.

APAC Coaching Conference | Emily Chang | Social Legacy | Who are you?

You see, back in 2020, instead of continuing to behave as a traditional 4A agency, we stated a different vision of who we want to become. And in the last 2.5 years, we have made measurable progress against becoming our clients’ trusted partner, delivering tailor made strategy and creative that land in the market! We wouldn’t have accidentally gotten here, and wouldn’t have invested in the tech or people development we did… without that clearly defined North Star.

In the blue bubble on the right, I shared a story from The Spare Room book. In Chapter Four, a sales manager named Thomas is featured in the story called “The Two Misters” (brings a tear to my eye every time It think about those gentlemen!) Thomas befriended two guys living in a tent community near his office, and began bringing them food after work. The story of their friendship and how the two misters ended up in that community is a must-read! But what I stressed during the conference is the amplifying effect of living into our own “Who.” When Thomas began to live into his intention, his spirit of generosity became contagious!

So, who are YOU?

Here’s who you are not: you are not your job title. You are not one specific role you play in life, be it partner, parent, or child. You are more than that. In fact, you’re that unique combination of skills, experiences, capabilities, and personality quirks that makes you wonderfully made! And defining, writing down, and sharing your own Who is a great start towards living with more intentionality.

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