Me: Devastating. Maturing. Debilitating. Strengthening.

And if I’m totally honest (and if I’m not completely honest on my own personal blog, who am I, really?) …I was a little relieved. Because a lifetime of wheelchairs and medical appointments can be a bit daunting. So, knowing the McClures loved Teo as much as we did, and also wanted to adopt him – it was the joy of meeting outrageously generous people + the pain of giving up my child + some degree of relief. Really, it was all very confusing and overwhelming.

Laini, on the other hand, states unscripted in this #taxichat, “You have to learn to let go, when it’s time to let go.” Yes, seriously. That was my 12-year old’s unprompted answer. As Dov Baron stated in a recent podcast we recorded, “She’s a bhudda in jeggings.” Listen to the podcast for more on the leggings reference 🙂

Listen here for more from my bhudda in jeggings: