There’s no such thing as authenticity?!

There’s no such thing as authenticity?!

Wait… what? It’s literally the subtitle to my book 🤯. I was speaking with my very awesome friend, Jon Levy and he shared this idea that there’s no such thing as authenticity. Rather, authenticity is simply reflecting back what others expect to see...
Escape the Scarcity of Needing

Escape the Scarcity of Needing

…and embrace the abundance of wanting. We often confuse “want” with “need”… “I need a new dress”…. “I need to lose ten pounds”… “I need my boss to like me”. If we think about it, how...
Trust your gut.

Trust your gut.

I’ve often thought about decisions through the lens of Head + Heart. Head: “Does this make sense?” “Does it appeal to me intellectually and can I understand value in a tangible, data-based way?” Heart: “Does this align with my...