Orbiting the Giant Hairball

Orbiting the Giant Hairball

On a recent podcast, David asked me about the key contributor to my career success. Over the years, the answer has evolved and I surprised myself with the response, “orbiting the giant hairball.” Man, I’ve said this before – podcasts are the...
The Tribe and The Village

The Tribe and The Village

We often speak of finding our Tribe because as humans, we seek out, and celebrate those who identify with a similar culture or life purpose. On the other hand, there’s the Village, where people may not share commonalities but live in community and share common...
Stop the office gossip!

Stop the office gossip!

Gossip, whether whispered at desks, or shared loudly over drinks, is poison to the organization. Perhaps it feels ok because “what we’re saying is true.” Well… of course it’s true – because otherwise what you’re engaging in is...