How NOT to drink the Kool-Aid

How NOT to drink the Kool-Aid

Have you heard that phrase, “He’s drunk the Kool-Aid”? The reference means that a newer employee has now adapted the standard corporate mindset… they’ve been indoctrinated. Yet, we’re invited to join a company for our unique perspective, background, and experience....
The Tribe and The Village

The Tribe and The Village

We often speak of finding our Tribe because as humans, we seek out, and celebrate those who identify with a similar culture or life purpose. On the other hand, there’s the Village, where people may not share commonalities but live in community and share common...
The Power of Tacit Learning

The Power of Tacit Learning

At a recent #pgalum event, “Meeting the Moment” in D.C., my former CEO AG Lafley talked about the power of tacit learning. Zoom is great, sometimes. AG led with how tacit learning can be difficult on zoom. That’s because we need time to mull things...