Looking to grow experience adventure in a new way and expand your world view? Are you interested in stretching yourself and growing in new ways? Maybe it’s time to find your co-journeyers.

What are co-journeyers?

In life, we naturally seek out our tribe… our people. But co-journeyers often aren’t are tribe! You see, while we may seek out those we’re most comfortable with (e.g. those most like us) for shared experiences like road trips, life can sometimes introduce unexpected co-journeyers.

It’s true, traveling or sharing life with those who aren’t like us can be uncomfortable. Maybe because we don’t share common life views or sometimes, even a common vocabulary. But we often learn more from those who are different than us! There’s great value to finding both our tribe and our co-journeyers.

While we will certainly encounter moments of friction that challenge us, we can remember that challenge promotes growth. Because if we avoided anyone outside our tribe, life would come with less friction, but also less stretch.

Here’s what I’ve learned from some of my co-journeyers:

1. Tim and Hannah live with us and they have such an easy flow to their lives. Their studio exudes utmost calm as the lovely scent of patchouli wafts across our shared garden. I (sometimes enviably) notice how our dogs simply relax around them, and all living things seems to breathe easier. Including me. While I know my passion and energy are part of who I am, being around my co-journeyers has introduced a new, softer balance to my life. Thank you, my loves.

Hannah with the pups, my sweet co-journeyer

2. The Moursi’s. Laini and Libby became friends freshman year, so our families quickly became co-journeyers in LA… and now on college tours. While the mom’s share a love of whiskey and comedy, we’re also quite different. Molly is a history buff and thanks to her, we experienced parts of Boston I would have overlooked. Her joy is contagious and our family is certainly better for co-journeying with the Moursi clan.

Moursis, best co-journeyers ever!

And I’m so grateful for my tribe.

The ones who ‘get me’. We share similar passions and life philosophy, humor, a sense of adventure, and even industry. Sitting here writing this post, I’m feeling a bit emotional, suffused with deep gratitude for a life filled with true friends, loving family and abiding joy.

Emily Chang Tribe

Challenge for the week:

This week, identify an unlikely co-journeyer. Maybe it’s a neighbor, a co-worker, or even someone you see regularly at the coffeeshop or school drop off… this is someone who keeps popping up in unexpected ways. Grab a coffee and create a shared experience together.

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