Every year, our family invests a couple of days in a New Year’s tradition. We paint our vision for the year ahead. You see, every year, we paint over the previous year’s vision with a fresh intention. We’ve been doing this for years (yes, the canvases are getting heavier!) What about you? Whatever your goals look like… new year’s resolution, a vision, word of the year, problem to be solved, or blank canvas… what are your New Year Intentions?

One important aspect of our New Year Intentions is the annual challenge.

Each of our family members declares a new year challenge… something we’ve never done before. In the past, I’ve included challenges like writing my book, The Spare Room, TEDx talk, long-distance swimming, cajon drum, and latte art. This year, I’m going to learn morse code. It’s something I’ve always wanted to be able to do. Yes, it’s true – some of those who know me well know that I like to plan for “worst case scenario” 😅

As we look forward, it’s valuable to also look back.

Did we achieve what we set out to achieve? Did we deliver on our intentions and commitments? Four years ago, I set a goal to do a TEDx talk on the Spare Room (as well as focus on becoming a better listener). For 2020, the goal was to write The Spare Room book, alongside a few other priorities. Last year, 2021 was all about the book launch, as well as starting a new role where I had the opportunity to lead and transform a creative agency!

Looking ahead to next year, our family just completed our 2022 vision. In all things, I believe there’s power in visualization. Whether it’s in setting an intention as we look forward, or capturing important memories as we look back – like our #mobilebiosphere experience!

A few observations:

  1. Laini’s art skills continue to develop at an impressive pace!
  2. Minki continues with his 3D, rather abstract, theme.
  3. I feel I’m entering 2022 with more clarity and focus than ever before.

It’s going to be a great year! Let’s MAKE it a great year. I’d love to hear about your New Year Intentions!