Getting from Weird to Wonder

Getting from Weird to Wonder

Might this headline reflect your life journey? It resonates as part of my own journey growing in wisdom and maturity. Remember being a kid, when the girl with braces seemed weird? How about the boy who brought kimchi in his lunch? Totally weird. And the twins who were...
The Power of Tiny Interactions

The Power of Tiny Interactions

Did you know? It’s been proven that people who experience more tiny interactions are healthier and happier. These tiny interactions can also be referred to as “weak ties”, a concept first introduced by sociologist and professor, Mark Granovetter. In...
Find your co-journeyers

Find your co-journeyers

Looking to grow experience adventure in a new way and expand your world view? Are you interested in stretching yourself and growing in new ways? Maybe it’s time to find your co-journeyers. What are co-journeyers? In life, we naturally seek out our tribe…...
3 things we can learn from water

3 things we can learn from water

Having moved to Los Angeles, I now find myself walking along gorgeous beaches, staring reflectively into blue-green ocean as the dogs scamper in the sand. The sound… the smells… the warm gritty sand and the cool, frothy waves… I’ve been...