Becoming unbreakable

Becoming unbreakable

Someone recently commented that I seemed particularly resilient. She asked, “Were you born this way?” I don’t think we’re born resilient…in fact, rather the opposite. We are born malleable, entering the world with softness, easily dented… even bruised. So,...
How NOT to drink the Kool-Aid

How NOT to drink the Kool-Aid

Have you heard that phrase, “He’s drunk the Kool-Aid”? The reference means that a newer employee has now adapted the standard corporate mindset… they’ve been indoctrinated. Yet, we’re invited to join a company for our unique perspective, background, and experience....
Does your boss do these 3 things?

Does your boss do these 3 things?

As we’re integrating two mega agencies into a new company called VML, folks have lots of questions. How will this change impact me? What’s my new job? And most importantly, who’s going to be my new boss? This is a great question because while our...
Life is an emerging market

Life is an emerging market

Sometimes you record a podcast and forget all about it! This one from last year just went live… and while I no longer work in an emerging market, I developed a new awareness. Listening to the recording made me realize that in many ways, life is an emerging...