The Power of Tiny Interactions

The Power of Tiny Interactions

Did you know? It’s been proven that people who experience more tiny interactions are healthier and happier. These tiny interactions can also be referred to as “weak ties”, a concept first introduced by sociologist and professor, Mark Granovetter. In...
Find your co-journeyers

Find your co-journeyers

Looking to grow experience adventure in a new way and expand your world view? Are you interested in stretching yourself and growing in new ways? Maybe it’s time to find your co-journeyers. What are co-journeyers? In life, we naturally seek out our tribe…...
The Tribe and The Village

The Tribe and The Village

We often speak of finding our Tribe because as humans, we seek out, and celebrate those who identify with a similar culture or life purpose. On the other hand, there’s the Village, where people may not share commonalities but live in community and share common...
How are you telling the story of your life?

How are you telling the story of your life?

I recently listened to a great episode of the Hidden Brain podcast, where I learned a little about narrative psychology. This field explores the value of storytelling and how it lends meaning to our experiences. See, the stories we tell about our lives reveal how we...
The Power of Tacit Learning

The Power of Tacit Learning

At a recent #pgalum event, “Meeting the Moment” in D.C., my former CEO AG Lafley talked about the power of tacit learning. Zoom is great, sometimes. AG led with how tacit learning can be difficult on zoom. That’s because we need time to mull things...
Pilgrims don’t travel alone.

Pilgrims don’t travel alone.

You guys know all about #MySpareRoom and how we’ve cared for vulnerable kids who’ve needed a safe place to stay. Over the years, I’ve thought a lot about the spirit of welcome. For instance, how might we embrace our guests, creating a space of...