We held a fabulously fun party at a craft brewery called Mikkellar! Nothing brings me more joy than having all my friends in one place, making introductions, and watching everyone enjoy themselves.
We also had something great to celebrate! The Spare Room became an Amazon best-seller!
I also had a chance to sign some books for friends, which was one of those didn’t-know-it-was-on-my-bucket-list kind of moments. Even more special with my little godson, Brayden, sitting next to me (middle row, right).

My friend, Yihao, came with his wife Wendy; he was my intern at P&G back in Cincinnati, 2002. Nancy brought her family; she and I worked together in 2004 in Guangzhou. Teresa was my daughter’s brilliant pre-school teacher ten years ago. Adam and I barely intersected at Apple in 2014, but are fervently looking for another opportunity to work together again. And so many more stories, and precious friendships.
Most special, Laini came with me early to set up, and stayed for the entire party.

My sweet, little introvert – her energy was sucked dry by evening, but she showed me such love. She even invested hours in making homemade boba from scratch for the event!

Maybe I’ll even write another book, if it gives me an excuse to host another one of these events!