Closing the office/stores for one whole day is worth millions of dollars, and that’s what the best companies do. When I was at Starbucks, Howard Schultz closed stores for a day to invest in discussions on racial bias. McCann invests annually in the Day for Meaning, tackling the topic of unconscious bias. And now that I’m at Wunderman Thompson, all the respect for Career Hack 2023! While bias is absolutely worthy of this kind of investment, so are our people. And career hack is a whole day invested in… ME.
What are we doing all day?
On Oct 5, we’re focused on discovering purpose. A full day of activities will help each person at Wunderman Thompson define the reason we work. Because when we can clearly articulate our personal definition of success and the impact we are inspired to make in our careers, we inject meaning into the every day. And as a result, we enter and move through the day with intention and purpose.

What’s your personal purpose?
You all know about #SocialLegacy and how our family chooses to invest our resources and open our home. In fact, my personal and professional purposes are one and the same: To create purposefully, love fiercely, and die empty. Sometimes you capture the attention of someone who you think is really doing it right! Yeah, that time Arianna Huffington gave #TheSpareRoomBook a shoutout!
I’d love to hear yours!
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