How Design Enhances Business

How Design Enhances Business

I recently taught at the Stanford, and was delighted to see that 1/3 the students were studying Design, 1/3 studying Business, and 1/3 came from a variety of disciplines. This certainly showcased the importance and versatility of design thinking! While...
Christmas Reflections

Christmas Reflections

As the holidays approach, I often find myself dwelling on beautiful memories, even as we create new ones. In fact, I think about the power of tradition and remember the importance of family rituals. So please bear with me as I share a few Christmas reflections today 😊...
Evaluating the BEST ideas.

Evaluating the BEST ideas.

Thanks so much to #INSEAD for having me on their Emerging Markets pod! I appreciated this great question about evaluating ideas as an agency leader. My answer? The best ideas have to touch my HEAD + HEART + SOUL. Read on to consider this framework for evaluating the...